The TASC learning framework for the education of non-cognitive skills

Applications in schools of all levels


  • Alessandra Imperio Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
  • Demis Basso Cognitive and Educational Sciences Lab (CESLab), Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy)



non-cognitive competences, life skills, thinking skills, TASC, teaching methods


The recent approval in the Chamber of Deputies of the draft law aims at introducing non-cognitive competences in the curriculum of schools of all levels on an experimental basis. While this is a relevant proposal, this article identifies some aspects for improvement based on the scientific literature. In particular, the use of an innovative learning framework, Thinking Actively in a Social Context (TASC) by Belle Wallace and Harvey B. Adams, is suggested as it is considered a valuable proposal for the promotion of thinking and problem-solving skills. In the context of primary education in Italy, this approach has already been used for accurate experimentation, from which significant trends have emerged in terms of thinking skills (e.g., reasoning, metacognition, creativity), argumentation, and interaction (e.g., peer relations, autonomy), but also in terms of motivation, self-esteem, inclusion and, more generally, learning processes. With the same learning framework, other promising experiences have been conducted in kindergarten, at university, and in adult training, which will be reported on in the text. The outlined proposal is considered a valuable contribution to non-cognitive competences education for students at all levels.


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How to Cite

Imperio, A., & Basso, D. (2022). The TASC learning framework for the education of non-cognitive skills: Applications in schools of all levels. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, (29).



