The valorisation of the Learning Analytics to promote assessment for learning. The case of the Master in Leadership and Management in Education of Roma Tre University


  • Arianna Morini Roma Tre
  • Arianna Giuliani
  • Giovanni Moretti


The article deepens the theme of the assessment for learning (Domenici, 2012; Lucisano,
2014; Notti, 2014; Trinchero, 2014) investigating how the functionalities connected to
Learning Analytics (LA) (Fulantelli & Taibi, 2014; Gaševi et al. 2015; Blikstein & Worsley,
2016) could enhance their development in students.
The survey was carried out by analyzing diachronically data of the Master in Leadership
and Management in Education (Roma Tre University) from a.y. 2013/14 to a.y. 2017/18; the
Master is designed in blended mode on a Moodle platform.
The use of LA in the start-up and monitoring phases of the Master, integrated by the
data collected by quali-quantitative tools, allowed to collect data useful for design individualized
interventions. The training activities include the study of materials and different
types of assessment tests. The trainees have the opportunity to verify the
adequacy of their knowledge through self-assessment activities that provide feedback
(Butler & Winne, 1995; Shute, 2008; Giuliani, Moretti & Morini, 2016). Furthermore, request
students to elaborate critical analysis texts allow to give them also qualitative feedback.
The ongoing use of the LA in the monitoring and assessment phases, in this regard,
is strategic. In fact, by using the LA functions it is possible to observe the activities carried
out by the students and to give them feedback.
From the analysis of the final questionnaires it emerges that students consider to be effective
the articulation of the Master, both in didactic and assessment aspects. Also the
analysis of the contributions in itinere and of the final test confirms how the planning
of the formative activities has been effective considering the quality of the papers.



How to Cite

Morini, A., Giuliani, A., & Moretti, G. (2019). The valorisation of the Learning Analytics to promote assessment for learning. The case of the Master in Leadership and Management in Education of Roma Tre University. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, 125–139. Retrieved from


