Investigating STEM course choices through physics knowledge surveys


  • Nicola Ludwig Department of Physics, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
  • Paolo Teruzzi Dipartimento di Fisica A. Pontremoli, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy



STEM, gender balance, education, survey, nuclear physics


The choice of STEM courses is often influenced by previous educational career. In particular, in the scien-tific field, the learning of specific and at the same time paradigmatic topics plays a fundamental role. This research aims to assess nuclear physics knowledge in a sample of high school and university students through a multiple-choice survey. We analyzed and compared the results between the two samples and against a fixed threshold value. We also examined subgroups within the high school and university sam-ples.  The study considered influences from school background, learning continuity, and gender differences. We found a significant correlation between teaching hours and test results. The analysis provides insights into physics education and the quantitative relationship between teaching and knowledge acquisition. A specialistic knowledge that students can use as a tool for orientation towards STEM university choices.


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How to Cite

Ludwig, N., & Teruzzi , P. (2024). Investigating STEM course choices through physics knowledge surveys . ITALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, (32), 047–059.



