Social creators as mediators to promote inclusive teaching. Results of a research-training experience


  • Martina De Castro Università Roma Tre
  • Carla Gueli
  • Ines Guerini
  • Umberto Zona
  • Fabio Bocci



The development of platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and so on has significantly amplified the ability of ordinary people not only to consume content but also to create it directly. In recent years, the number of creators – people who plan, produce and package their own messages – has progressively increased. There are certainly economic reasons behind this phenomenon: the possibility – offered by Internet – to obtain new forms of independent income. However, many creators seem to be motivated above all by the desire to create social content and denounce inequalities and injustices.

Taking these assumptions as a background – and adopting an intersectional perspective – the authors of this paper present the first results of a research-training experience conducted with 99 students (that is teacher in training) attending the Inclusive Teaching Laboratory activated at the degree course of Primary Education Sciences (Department of Education, Roma Tre University). The aim of the project was to verify whether and to what extent the products created by social creators can be perceived by teachers in training as possible didactic aids to be used at school to address the topic of human differences and inclusive processes.



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