Italian validation of the Teacher Self-efficacy scale to implement Self-Regulated Learning (AI-AA)




teachers' self-efficacy, self-regulated learning, teaching instructional strategies, validation, CFA


The ability to self-regulated learning represents a fundamental skill in academic success and lifelong learning. Teachers play a crucial role both in directly teaching self-regulated learning strategies and in creating a stimulating learning environment capable of fostering conditions conducive to the development of self-regulation skills. Within this framework, having a specific tool to assess teachers’ sense of self-efficacy in the field of self-regulated learning can help achieve a better understanding of such practices and the obstacles to their dissemination. The study presents the validation in the Italian context of a scale designed to assess teachers’ sense of self-efficacy in implementing self-regulated learning strategies in the classroom. The tool was administered to a sample of 1000 teachers serving in primary and secondary schools nationwide. The Italian version comprises 17 items divided into four dimensions related to direct and indirect strategies for promoting self-regulation. Confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analyses confirm the scale’s good psychometric properties and suggest its applicability in the Italian context.


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How to Cite

Scierri, I. D. M. (2024). Italian validation of the Teacher Self-efficacy scale to implement Self-Regulated Learning (AI-AA). ITALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, (32), 032–046.



