Developing the vertical curriculum in school communities: an example of Collaborative Research based on teachers’ conceptions of the curriculum


  • Maila Pentucci


The issue presents the exploratory phase of a Collaborative Research, aimed to design guidelines and a reference framework for the school vertical curriculum. This is a necessary fulfilment of today’s comprehensive school. The path starts from two elements: the teacher practices on one side, the community thinking, related to the object of the research, on the other. This, to highlight
what, according to the teachers, is the state of things, and what, according to their needs and convictions, should be the curriculum, as savoir-outil (Vinatier & Altet, 2008).
For this reason, a research/training plan was developed; it started, in its first year, from the analysis of the professional and reflective writings of teachers, in order to co-situate hypothesis of laboratory activities, to develop artefacts useful for design and action.
This involves the complex issue of teachers professionalisation, both in classroom practices and in organisational and system practices.



How to Cite

Pentucci, M. . (2019). Developing the vertical curriculum in school communities: an example of Collaborative Research based on teachers’ conceptions of the curriculum. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, (21), 355–372. Retrieved from




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