Innovation in thinking and educational practice.

A dialogue with Alain Goussot on Special Educational Needs


  • Antonello Mura Dipartimento di Lettere, Lingue e Beni Culturali
  • Antioco Luigi Zurru



Within the prolific scientific production of Alain Goussot, an intellectual with a fine erudition and a passionate scientific vocation, the subject of special educational needs has assumed prominence. Through the critical examination of the construct that the author proposes, at times even radical, the contribution focuses its reflection on some of the key nodes of the special educational discourse.
The concept of BES, articulated in its analytical meanings, shows the contradictions of the pathologising dynamics inherent in some approaches to difficulties and resistance in learning processes. In this respect, teachers' professionalism and didactic action represent the 'antidotes' for the development of authentic processes of emancipation, respectful of human diversity. The multiple elements that emerge from the survey contribute to the continuous qualification of the Italian model of school inclusion.





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