From situation to training: practices of educational reflexivity in the 60 CFU intensive courses


  • Matteo Cornacchia Department of Humanities, University of Trieste
  • Elisabetta Madriz Department of Humanities - University of Trieste



Educators, Training, Focus group, Situation, Reflexivity


After a long waiting, the professional figure of “educator” and its academic curriculum have been recognized through the law n. 205/2017: thanks to this measure a serious lack of our order and the gap to the healthcare sector have been filled. Starting from the bill promoted by Vanna Iori in 2014, that law provided also another important point, having to do with unqualified educators: for them the solution was found in intensive courses, managed by universities, for a three-year transitional period. The essay aims to make an assessment of the experience at University of XXX, where the courses were planned with educational services and had included focus group activities to compare educator’s situated experience with academic knowledge and theory.

