A bold goal. Pedagogy and educational professions in corporate welfare


  • Daniela Dato Departement of Humanistic study




Pedagogy, Work, Care employed, Organization, Wellbeing


The contribution starts a reflection on the opportunity to think - from training to professional practice - about the role of educators and pedagogists as expert on adult education and pedagogy of organizations. They have to be able to design, coordinate and manage processes of care management and corporate welfare. 

The bold and unprecedented effort is to reflect on the core curriculum, the professional profile and the role they can play in corporate contexts that are mostly the prerogative of other management sciences.

This is based on the awareness that the problems linked to the quality of professional life and wellbeing in organisations have reached significant proportions and take the form of a new educational emergency tether alert the pedagogy of work to undertake a commitment to mediate and promote personal and community sustainability devoted to the construction of positive organisations and a new humanism of work.To this end, literature, documents and good national and international practices will be analyzed to investigate on principles and concepts useful for the development of a new line of research-intervention for pedagogy.

