• Formazione & insegnamento

    ISSN: 2279-7505 (online), 1973-4778 (print, deprecated)

    Venice Court Registration No. 1439, 11/02/2003

    Ranked "A" in the Scientific Subject Fields "11/PAED-01" and "11/PAED-02" (Education, History of Education; Didactics, Special Needs Education, and Education Research) by the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research systems.



    • Diamond Open Access

    • Zero fees

    • International Distribution

    • Captivating PDF Typesetting

    • Careful Copyediting

    • External Anonymous Peer Review

    • Authors Retain Copyright

    • Generous CC BY 4.0 License (including commercial re-use or mash-up of your published work)

    We recommend considering publishing with F&I as soon as you obtain your research results.


    Formazione & insegnamento is an Diamond Open Access Journal that publishes research on education and training, with focus on continuing education, educational policies in a European and global context, pedagogy, and teaching.

    It was founded in 2003 by the late Prof. Umberto Margiotta, who aimed to transform it into a fundamental tool to disseminate educational research. It is an open access arena where scientific ideas are debated and spread, with the idea of fostering the interdisciplinary and cultural growth of the field.

    Following the internationalization trends in Italian education studies, the journal has started debates on inclusion, globalization, lifelong learning, social justice, sustainability, and talent as bases to promote educational leadership for the transformation of the contemporary society.

    The journal targets an academic audience with scholarly interest in education, learning, pedagogy and training. It welcomes research papers from all practitioners (such as educators, lecturers, and teachers) that meet the highest standards of research in their respective sectors.

    Formazione & insegnamento's regular issues are published triannually. Further special issues are published throughout the year. Every issue bears on a specific topic, with dedicated calls for paper. A general section is always available to publish free contributions.

    Formazione & insegnamento is a Pensa MultiMedia publication.


    The Italian Journal of Educational Research (IJEduR), the official organ of the Italian Society of Educational Research (SIRD), is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. It is dedicated to educational and didactic research methodologies and to evaluative research in education.

    The research areas include: curriculum development, teacher training, school, university and vocational education, teaching organization and design, educational technologies and e-learning, disciplinary teaching, methodologies for continuous training, docimology, assessment and certification of skills, evaluation of training processes, assessment and quality of training systems.


    ISSN: 2282-6041

    The Italian Journal of Special Education for Inclusion aims to be a scientific reflection tool for pedagogical communities involved in special pedagogy and special teaching. Its main goals are: - promote research in the field of special pedagogy and disseminating its results; - enhance all good educational, teaching and training practices that foster full development, as well as integration processes and inclusive education for people with special educational needs; - foster the development of relationships between scholars, professionals and associations working in the sector of special pedagogy in academic, educational and extra-curricular fields; - urge political and institutional managers, the cultural world and civil society to become aware of the requirements of people with special education needs and to take all consistent decisions; - promote training and research worldwide through international cooperation.


    ISSN: 2035-844X

    Studium Educationis publishes theoretical, empirical, experiential articles concerning the educational questions characterizing the current italian and international debate, and the emerging ones. The journal welcomes all traditions and form of educational inquiry, from a wide range of philosophical perspectives, addressing issues in both formal and informal education and upbringing from a general and pedagogical standpoint, in dialogue with the social and life sciences. As well as appealing to those with a direct interest in education, the journal will also be of interest to academic researchers, school teachers, educators, policy-makers.

  • Effetti di lettura / Effects of reading

    Effetti di lettura / Effects of Reading is a biannual peer-reviewed open access scientific journal that includes studies and research on issues of reading and reading aloud. The journal presents a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary focus, and is a space of dialogue for researchers and practitioners engaged in the study of reading processes and practices. It also includes experimental and empirical studies, reviews, historical and literary research, as well as relevant theoretical studies that focus on reading and reading aloud.


    Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia has been the official journal of the Italian Society of Criminology, since 1970. It was founded by Professor Giacomo Canepa and represents one of the oldest and most qualified scientific journals on criminological themes in Italy.

    Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia is an open-access multidisciplinary journal and publishes research results on clinical criminology, forensic psychology and psychiatry of adulthood, childhood and adolescents, treatment of offenders and crime victims, pathological addiction related to deviant and antisocial behavior, as well as sociology of deviance. It is indexed on Scopus and is classified by ANVUR (National Evaluation agency of the University system and research) as class A magazine for Area 12 (Legal Sciences, 12/G1) and Area 14 (Political and Social Sciences, 14/C3). Currently the Italian Review of Criminology publishes quarterly and accepts articles in English and Italian.

    Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia Editorial board includes national and international academic and clinical experts of criminology. The journal has a specific interest in the penitentiary world, with reference to aspects of treatment and real-world local experiences.

    Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia publishes original articles, all contributions are subjected to a double-blind peer-review, based on an initial selection made by the Editor. The following type of articles are accepted: review, general article; research article; clinical case. It is also possible to submit a letter to the director. Please refer to the guidelines for the author section before submitting an article.

    Registered at no. 522 in Court of Milan



    Format: Print and Electronic version
    ISSN: (online) 2240-8053
    ISSN: (Printed) 1121-1717
    Frequency: 4 issues for year
    Start year: 1970
    Content type: Academic/Scholarly
    Language: Italian and English



    L’Associazione Pedagogica Italiana (As.Pe.I.) è una delle più antiche e prestigiose associazioni pedagogiche e culturali italiane. È stata fondata a Firenze negli anni Cinquanta da Giovanni Calò, insigne pedagogista del tempo. Da allora l’As.Pe.I. annovera tra i suoi soci studiosi di fama nazionale e internazionale. 


    ISSN: 2611-6561

    Pedagogia Oggi [Pedagogy Today] is a peer-reviewed journal produced by SIPed - Società Italiana di Pedagogia / Italian Society of Education; it publishes articles on cutting-edge themes across the different domains of education research, covering developments in both Italian and international scholarship. Theory of Education and Social Pedagogy, History of Education, Special Education, Experimental Pedagogy, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy.


    ISSN: 2279-7513

    “Per leggere” is a journal of Italian literary studies dedicated to publishing critical readings of primary texts, commentaries and critical editions, currently under the direction of Isabella Becherucci, Simone Giusti, Francesca Latini, Giuseppe Marrani and Natascia Tonelli. From its founding in 2001, the Editorial Board has maintained a focus on interpretive analyses employing an historical-philological method without restrictions in terms of literary genre or chronology. The journal publishes interpretive studies on works from any time period, though contemporary works are of particular interest. Representative texts by canonical authors, including rare or unpublished works on occasion, are often the center of analysis. The journal adheres to the conviction that a critical approach to any form of writing must take the text, its meaning and the language, meter and style that comprise it as an inherent point of departure. The journal also takes into account the increasingly pressing need to provide potential scholars of Italian literature the critical methods and tools for interpretation they may need. These qualities distinguish “Per leggere” within the broad range of journals on Italian Studies. The journal fosters discussion on pedagogy and lends special attention to conferences and seminars on methods of textual commentary. The use of double-blind peer review safeguards the validity of all published work.
    Connected to the magazine is the book series «Quaderni Per Leggere».

  • Eternity & Contradiction Journal of Fundamental Ontology

    The journal Eternity and Contradiction is a platform for discussing the central themes of the philosophical thought, especially the one concerning the “truth” about what is known and what is wanted by humans. This theme remains the fundamental one despite those perspectives that intend to obscure it or to prove its irrelevance; and, paradoxically, the fundamental nature of the theme is largely due to the presence of these perspectives.

  • Women&Education

    ISSN 2975-0105
    The Journal was born in 2023 from the project and cultural idea of Simonetta Ulivieri, Professor Emeritus of General and Social Pedagogy at the University of Florence. After years of teaching Gender Pedagogy, coordinating "La scuola delle donne pedagogiste" and directing the postgraduate course on "Feminicide and Gender Violence", Simonetta Ulivieri decided to dedicate herself to the further development of gender studies through the promotion and dissemination of research and scientific contributions by scholars at national and international level, with a focus on deepening the relationship between gender and education. Women&Education aims to establish an open and wide-ranging intellectual community within which to develop an intersectional and intergenerational dialogue on gender issues, capable of challenging ideologies and cultural legacies that have long prevented the recognition of human differences and otherness as principles and values of a democratic and inclusive culture and society.


    Cultura pedagogica e scenari educativi è una rivista internazionale che si propone di far interagire i temi fondativi della teoresi ed epistemologia pedagogica e della ricerca sull’educazione con i trend di sviluppo storico-sociale e con i processi di trasformazione dell’esperienza educativa. Ne consegue uno spaccato piuttosto ampio, che privilegia, sul piano metodologico, l’epistemologia delle connessioni e il paradigma ecologico-sistemico; sul piano contenutistico, l’attenzione alle sfide della contemporaneità. I lavori dovranno pertanto rispondere a criteri di spessore teoretico, rigore empirico, impatto storico, lasciandosi interpellare dalle domande del nostro tempo e dalle sollecitazioni provenienti dal multiforme mondo dell’educazione e della formazione.

    Cultura pedagogica e scenari educativi è la rivista scientifica della Società Italiana di Pedagogia Generale e Sociale (SIPeGeS) ed è diretta da Maurizio Fabbri.

  • IAT Journal

    ISSN 2421-6119
    IAT Journal nasce su iniziativa dell’IAT, Istituto di Analisi Transazionale e Centro Studi e Ricerche per l’integrazione in Psicoterapia, Psichiatria, Consulenza psico-socio-psico pedagogica e organizzativa.
    L’IAT persegue i seguenti scopi:
    • diffondere l’applicazione integrata dell’Analisi Transazionale nei quattro campi che la caratterizzano: Clinico, Counselling, Organizzativo, Educativo;
    • garantire la conformità agli standard di formazione e di certificazione internazionale degli Analisti Transazionali riconosciuti e alla cultura associativa dall’EATA (European Association for Transactional Analysis) e dall’ITAA (International Transactional Analysis Association);
    • sostenere e promuovere l’aggiornamento, la formazione continua e la ricerca per l’evoluzione dei percorsi professionali degli Analisti Transazionali certificati (CTA), dei Supervisori e Didatti in formazione (PTSTA) e dei Didatti (TSTA);
    • creare occasioni nazionali e internazionali di confronto e scambio nell’evoluzione scientifica, professionale, socio culturale in una prospettiva interculturale e interassociativa