The popular school' educator. A bridge to build educational alliances between schools, territories, people


  • Lisa Stillo Department of Education - University of Roma Tre



Scuole popolari, educazione sociale, mediazione, comunità educante, contesti non formali


In a complex society, in which heterogeneous areas bear witness to increasingly stark forms of social, cultural and economic inequality, popular schools represent the context for non-formal education against forms of poverty and oppression. These situations involve a large number of educators and activists, and this work, which is part of a wider research, aims to reflect on and investigate their possible role in the perspective of a genuine synergy between different learning contexts.
In particular, in this space, using the studies of social pedagogy, and within the perspective of community education, we want to investigate in depth the profiles, aims, and skills of educators. Ultimately, we advocate the possibility of these subjects acting as a bridge between public/formal school and popular/non-formal school, by virtue of their work in promoting forms of educational alliances in and with the territory.

