Dagli “Orientamenti” del 1991 ad oggi. Ventidue anni di storia della scuola dell’infanzia


  • Sira Serenella Macchietti


The article presents a detailed reading of the National Recommendations and Orientations concerning the infant school from 1991 until now. The 1991 Orientations allowed to schools
a full educational authonomy, and the 2002 Recommendations showed their personalistic inspiration through the “personalized plannings”, hanging down any scholasticism and narrow
disciplinaristic approach. In 2007 the reform process added between the priority the citizenship development, asking to schools to act as relations, care and learning environments. In 2012
emerged the image of the “competent child”. But the growth of a real “educational culture” at school is striclty linked to the teacher’s educational sensitiveness and understanding. Their rule can’be reduced to the mere implementation of learning strategies. On the contrary it must be conceived by putting at the center clear ideas about the meaning and the sense of education that consists to help children in cultivating their humanity and thus to become persons.

