Planning and Quality of Life in the management of people with intellectual disabilities: social farming as a new space and generative time


  • Ilaria D'Angelo
  • Noemi Del Bianco MC
  • Alessandra Marfoglia
  • Simone Aparecida Capellini
  • Catia



Starting from the theoretical framework of Quality of Life (Giaconi, 2015b; Schalock, Verdugo Alonso, 2006, 2002), the paper explores the continuity between the results of two assessment scales (POS and SIS) in a case study. The case concerns the initial condition of a young person with intellectual disabilities involved in a social agriculture project, called “Tuttincampo”. The project involves the synergistic collaboration of an inter-institutional network composed of public and private entities, and is aimed at testing a new format of social and labour integration, with the goal of offering a viable alternative to classic rehabilitation day centres. In detail, we want to explore the first useful data to support the project pathway aimed at deepening the practices and methodologies to support the social and labour inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities.


