Passi verso la felicità: il valore della Biodanza per promuovere l’inclusione


  • Elisabetta Ghedin


The aim of this paper is to deepen the reflection on well-being and happiness questioning on the possibility of considering the Biodanza as an inclusive practice to promote a global well-being for people with disabilities. "Living a good life", aspire to happiness and well-being seem to have become a valuable imperative in order to create a facilitating environment, in which the barriers are removed to the participation of persons with disabilities. The Bio-dance method is well suited as an educational perspective that focuses on the life, music and movement and known as “the dance of life”. Based on these premises, the ICF-CY mediation was used as conceptual orderer to find results
of clinical Bio-dance in mental health, through the creation of a modifying environment that promotes well-being. Through the work of observation and analysis of the video recordings of the meetings of Bio-dance session which involved about 40 people, we tried to grasp the inclusive value of Biodance method and its contribution to promote the well-being of people involved. The
conclusions that have been reached in Bio-dance method identify a positive environment in which it is promoted respect, tolerance, dialogue, and in which diversity is enhanced as in the inclusion process.Bio-dance method permits to establish genuine relationships with each other, in which no one feels judged and for this reason it is possible to express themselves fully, where everyone
can express themselves and their resources.





III. ESITI DI RICERCA (a. ricerca qualitativa e quantitativa; b. Strumenti e metodologie)

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