Digital media consumption and fake news as a challenge to lifelong learning


  • Susanne Schumacher Pensa MultiMedia Editore
  • Barbara Gross


Nowadays digital education and technological skills are constantly in demand and are promoted worldwide among all age ranges, with more facilitated learning processes and the aim of an optimized professionalization. Digital education in technologically equipped institutions aims to make students more active and to prepare them for a society and workplaces that are ever more performance-oriented. In view of the speed at which information is generated and distributed through the increasing use of digital media, the management of knowledge and training in how to recognize fake news have become serious challenges for lifelong learning. Hence, this paper presents the promotion and development of critical thinking skills, through teachers’ training, in order to detect false, incomplete and obsolete information. From an educational point of view, not only does the potential of digital media-based learning opportunities emerge, but also their limits, which are therefore critically analyzed here.


