The pedagogical supervision at the university: a workshop to enhance the socio-emotional skills of future education professionals


  • Irene Stanzione Researcher Tenure Track | Department of Dynamic, Clinical, and Health Psychology | Sapienza University of Rome
  • Nicoletta Di Genova Research fellow | Department of Human Sciences | University of Aquila



pedagogical supervision, socio-emotional skills, internships, well-being, contact cycle


Educators constantly engage in socio-emotional skills, as relationships involve experiences that require self-awareness and emotional regulation. It is essential to restore relevance to emotions through specific training within degree programs enabling educational professions. The “pedagogical supervision during internships” project, organized according to the Gestalt contact cycle model, guides students from self-awareness to emotional regulation, addressing emotional experiences during internships. Through laboratory meetings, students examine complex situations, identifying thoughts, emotions, and actions to find professionally effective solutions, bridging theory and practice to enhance reflection on action and achieve a profound individual transformation. Qualitative analysis of the content of the meetings has allowed the identification of needs, emerging themes, emotions, and pro-fessional resources for each phase of the gestalt contact cycle.

