Le competenze di cittadinanza nelle indagini comparative internazionali e nelle politiche comunitarie, storia e prospettive


  • Eleonora Mattarelli




Active Citizenship, International Surveys, Key Competences, Community Policies , Civics


How educational systems participate in the training of young adults active in the community is one of the ques-tions that large-scale standardized surveys have been posing since the first comparative studies were carried out (Torney et alii, 1975; Husén, 1979). In fact, in recent decades, civic education has become increasingly important due to the globalized, multicultural and fast-moving world in which we live (Schulz et alii, 2010; 2018; OECD, 2019a; 2019b). The objective of this paper is to trace the path of citizenship skills in international surveys and community policies, reviewing the most salient aspects and focusing on present and future perspectives: today more than ever, being in possession of key skills enables the citizen to access democratic society and participate in their personal, social and work growth (Dewey, 1916; Losito, 2014; EC, 2017; Giancola, Viteritti, 2019).

