The supportable safety: the Tuscany experience


  • Anna Coluccia


Nowadays urban safety represents a very complicated theme which doesn’t need simple or simplistic solutions, but diversified answers.This work tries to analyze and present the political safety strategies adopted by Tuscany that enter the Modern Governance theory since the n.38, 16th August 2008 Regional Law, which was titled “Regional strategies in favour of Tuscan Community safety politics”. That means a new government style which, instead of the old hierarchic model, is characterized by more cooperation between the State and the non state actors inside the sphere of public and private decisions. As a consequence, the work examines the role that the different social actors will have to take up in order to achieve an aim or social safety. This last one constantly advances. At the same time the work introduces the concept of supportability, declaring the necessity to pursue a new safety idea: the supportable safety.This new safety conception can represent the liveability level which can really be realized in a certain geographic place according to both criminality level and the sense of insecurity spreading and the fear of criminality in people, in consideration of the social and economic development reached in a certain area. All this is sensibly minimizing the traditional concept of unsafety meaning as public order and security preservation. Now a new idea of liveability is growing. In it the unsafety sense is not directly linked to criminality, but it is instead linked to other factors: noise, nightnoise, pollution, urban decay, traffic (besides family and social disease). As a consequence of the new problems linked to urban safety,we cannot think to achieve our aim with criminal politic administration based on repression and prevention of crime, but on a wise politic management of quality life. The complexity of the urban safety theme justifies the distribution of this job on more social and institutional actors. Safety doesn’t only represent the most important monopoly of the Central State, but it becomes a task of the Local Government which want to govern, as well as it becomes a task of the people who want to take part of city government.




