Digital learning and violent behaviours


  • Luigi Leone


Young people have replaced the stepwise knowledge and discovery with an individual, personal and independent process, characterized by an instant and direct experience, by a digital learning through the images. The gradual maturity, through initiations and achievements, now yields to individual maturity through a not more preceptive but perceptive experience. The direct vision prevails without educational mediators, namely those who play fundamental tasks in educational, social, professional and religious issues. The identification process, through the emulation of what others have already done elsewhere and disseminated on the Web,misrepresents the right perception of reality,weakening or inhibiting the formation of a personal and a critical capacity to confer significance. The social control systems’ action, through the approval or disapproval of a behaviour, has been thrown into serious crisis by new digital reticules in which young people are joined, where the contexts are often characterized by the absence of an ethical background. Lack or inadequacy in transferring rules (in the family, school, etc.), causes difficulties in the identification processes through significant behaviour models, encouraging entry into virtual models, learned directly from images that become the subject of identification and imitation, often resulting in gestures and violent behaviours.




