Prison and criminal enforcement in Italyin the last decade


  • Giovanni Fossa
  • Uberto Gatti


The number of people held in custody in Italy has reached its highest level since the Second World War. In interpreting the data and trends observed over the last decade, however, we should bear in mind that prison is no longer the only place where sentences may be served, but is part of a wider and more complex system of penal control.  Specifically, sentences may nowadays be served in various settings (prison, community, house arrest, on bail), at various times (immediately,for those already serving a prison sentence or alternative measures; later, for those enjoying the stay of execution), or in ways that do not necessarily involve contact with prison (from alternative measures to release). Therefore, in describing and interpreting the trends in imprisonment it is necessary to refer to the other modalities of enforcement as well:  alternative measures and suspension.
We considered three factors that affect the number of people subject to criminal enforcement:  the granting of suspend sentences, the duration of the custodial sentences imposed by the courts and the application of alternative measures.  The analysis of the latest data relating to these factors reveals that all of them affect the modalities of criminal enforcement in varying degrees. Specifically,  three concomitant phenomena can be observed: the decline of suspension, the significant increase in custodial sentences and the considerable decrease in the granting of alternative measures.  Although these factors alone cannot entirely explain theincrease in prison population, they are certainly of great relevance. Finally, we should bear in mind that drug addicts and foreigners have long been the majority of prison population.  Although their large number is certainly a direct consequence of the above-mentioned factors, it also stems from other causes. In this  regard special attention is deserved by the application of the latest laws regarding recidivism, drug and immigration.




