Non-consensual pornography: a new form of technology facilitated sexual violence


  • Edel Margherita Beckman
  • Matteo G. P. Flora



The use of technology and devices as forms of sexual exploitation and criminal victimisation in people’s relationships and intimacy is growing day by day. One of these is Non-Consensual Pornography, that can be defined as the sharing of private materials with sexual content, either photos or videos, without the consent of one or more of the individuals involved, in order to harm the victim. Most of the times there are two main consequences: on one hand the viral and uncontrolled diffusion of private material and on the other hand, the related crimes that can be committed. The aim of this article is to explore the phenomenon from two different points of view: a legal aspect and some gaps in technology that have not been either solved or investigated yet, since damages are socially considered less serious because of the distance the web creates between the perpetrator and the victim. Important data are provided by PermessoNegato, a non-profit advocacy organization, based in Milan, that provides technological support to the victims of Non-Consensual Pornography, online violence and hate crimes.
The ultimate purpose of the research is to shed light on facts in order to prevent such crimes. 





