The assessment of the level and of the intellectual qualities at the expert level. The contribution of two psychodiagnostic tools: the Wechsler scales and the Raven matrices
The measurement and evaluation of that set of cognitive functions that go under the name of intelligence, as well as the
study and collection of data on human performance, in order to reach conclusions about the functioning of subjects suspected
of presenting neurological disorders or psychiatrists, they pose different and complex problems when they are carried out
in the psychological and psychiatric forensic field. The centrality of the clinical-forensic investigations must be placed on
the functioning of the subject and not so much on the nosographic and classification aspects. Much will also depend on the
constructs and concepts of intelligence and intellectual functioning to be referred to. The mental efficiency reagents of the
Wechsler scales and of the Raven test, if well used, in the forensic context, represent different and excellent psychodiagnostic
tools, which contribute to measure differently intelligence of a subject, minor or adult and also any damage or limitations
from which it is characterized. In the present work it comes in terms of limits and potential.