About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia is a multidisciplinary journal. Object of the study is crime, analized in its several perspectives (social, juridical, criminal, psychological and psychiatric). Articles deal mainly with clinical issues focusing on minors and adults criminal treatment.
Peer Review Process
The acceptance of a paper for publication is subject to the following standards:
- Every submitted manuscript should be composed according to the instructions below.
- Every submitted manuscript should contain original work not elsewhere submitted or published and should meet the regulations on research ethics.
- The editorial board will send the paper (as anonymous work) to two referees selected in turn on the basis of their expertise in the subject dealt with. Scholars from the Author's institution will be excluded from the selection. The editorial staff ensures the complete and reciprocal anonymity for the referees and the authors of each paper.
- The referees’ observations will be sent to the Author by the editorial staff, who will also send each referee the assessments made by the other ones on the same paper.
- In case a paper has not been found suitable for publication already in the first phase of review, it must be considered definitively rejected.
- By submitting a paper, the Author transfers his/her Copyright to the Publisher. Papers not accepted for publication will be returned to the Author on request.
- A paper is certified as forthcoming only after the referees’ approval and the delivery of the text to the printer.
- Papers and information in general, signed or initialed, simply express the opinion of their Author, who thus assumes all responsibility for them. A single proofreading, limited to the check of typing, is offered to the Author. The corrected proofs must be returned to the editorial staff within ten days from the date of dispatch. After that time proofreading will be directly made by the editorial staff.
- Papers should be mailed to segreteria@criminologia.uniba.it for the attention of T. Bandini and R. Catanesi.
Publication ethics and malpractice statement
Decisions on publication: the editors are responsible for deciding whether or not to publish the proposed articles.
Honesty: the editors evaluate the articles submitted for publication only on the basis of the scientific merit of the content, without discrimination of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, nationality, political opinion of the authors.
Confidentiality: the editors and members of the working group undertake not to disclose information relating to the articles submitted for publication to other persons other than the author, the referees and the editor.
Conflict of interest and disclosure: the editors undertake not to use in their research content of articles submitted for publication without the written consent of the author.
Access and Retention: if the editors deem it appropriate, the authors of the articles should make available also the sources or the data on which research is based, so that they can be kept for a reasonable period of time after the publication and possibly be made accessible.
Originality and plagiarism: the authors are required to declare to have composed an original work in its entirety and citing all the texts used.
Publications multiple, repetitive and / or competitors: the author should not publish articles that repeat the same search results in more than a scientific journal: the simultaneous proposal of the same contribution to multiple scientific journal is to be considered an ethically improper and reprehensible.
List of sources: the author should always provide the correct indication of the sources and contributions mentioned in the article.
Authorship: it should be correctly attributed the authorship of the work and shall be referred to as co-authors all those who have made a significant contribution to the design, organization, implementation and revision of the research that forms the basis of the article. If other people have participated significantly in some stages of the research, their contribution must be explicitly recognized. In the case of contributions written by many hands, the author who sends the text to the journal is required to declare that she/he had correctly stated the names of all the other co-authors, have obtained their approval of the final version of the article and their consent for publication.
Conflict of interest and disclosure: all authors are required to declare explicitly that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results obtained or the interpretations proposed. Authors must also indicate any research funding agencies and / or the project from which arise the article.
Errors in published articles: when an author in her/his article identifies a significant error or inaccuracy, he/she shall promptly inform the journal editors and provide them with all the information required to list the relevant corrections on the bottom of the article itself.