Guidelines for authors

Guidelines for authors
The submission of the manuscript requires that the work is original and has not been published elsewhere in whole or in part. Submitted manuscripts must not being currently evaluated by other journals. In case of acceptance, the authors undertake not to publish the work elsewhere, in whole or in part.
The Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia publishes original scientific articles on the following topics: clinical criminology, forensic psychiatry and psychology, treatment of offenders and victims of crime, addiction related to deviant and antisocial behaviors, sociology of deviance. Accepted contributions include general articles (including reviews), research articles, clinical cases, letters to the Editor.

Manuscript submission
The papers, written in English or Italian, can be submitted after registration, following the instructions on this site.

Permission to reproduce published material
The material, including figures and tables, taken from other publications or sources must be accompanied by the authors' declaration of permission from the Publisher.

Acceptance of the work for publication implies that the Authors agree to transfer ownership of the copyright to the Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia.

Approval by the ethics committee
All articles in which data concerning humans are presented must contain a declaration at the beginning of the methods a statement that indicates that the study has been approved by the ethics committee.

Informed consent
Authors should include a statement at the beginning of the methods clarifying how subjects' consent was given to participate in research studies.

Conflict of interest
Authors must disclose all possible conflicts of interest, including financial arrangements or consultancy relationships, with any structure involved in the research. All conflicts of interest must be reported in the conflict of interest section, which must be placed before the references. Any absence of conflicts of interest must also be declared. All sources of funding must be listed in the manuscript.

All individuals and organizations that participated in the study should be listed among the authors or in acknowledgments. The manuscript must be approved by all co-authors the corresponding author may make such a declaration on behalf of the authors.

The Editors and the Editorial Board cannot be held responsible for the opinions and content of the works published on the journal.

Peer-review process
The Authors accept that the work will be peer-reviewed. All the works will be preliminarily examined by the Reading Committee which reserves the right to reject the manuscript without sending it for review if the subject, format, adequacy to ethical standards is not considered adequate.
All accepted manuscripts will undergo editorial review. the editorial team sends the anonymous work to two journal reviewers, chosen for their expertise on the subject matter and with shift criteria. Those belonging to the university or institution to which the authors belong will be excluded from the choice and the editorial staff will be responsible for ensuring the most complete and mutual anonymity.
The comments of the referees will be communicated to the corresponding author by the editorial staff, who will also send each reviewer the evaluations expressed by the others on the same article. In the event that both reviewers suggest reject following their first evaluation, the work will be considered definitively rejected.
In the event of a request for revisions, the corresponding Author must send the revised manuscript to the editorial staff together with the point-to-point reply letter to the observations of the referees.
Proofreading should be limited to simple typographical proofreading. Substantial changes to the content, such as changes in title or authors, addition of new results, correction of values, changes to figures and tables, will be subject to editorial review.
Changes that do not conform to the style of the magazine are not accepted. The corrected proofs must be returned within 5 working days to the editorial office of the Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia. In case of delay, the editorial staff will be able to correct the proofs on the basis of the original manuscript.
The published works are the property of the magazine. Unpublished works can be returned upon request. The attestation that an article is being published in the journal is issued only after final approval by the reviewers and after the Editor’s approval for the print edition.


General article (including reviews). general articles are reports of an original work that describe the state of knowledge on a topic, critically analyse different opinions on the problem treated, review by bringing together important updated information on a topic of general interest to criminology. Historical, ethical, political, economic, and organizational works on topics of criminological interest are also accepted. Comments or analyses on the organization of judicial or health systems are also accepted. The text must not exceed 50,000 characters (including spaces) excluding bibliography, tables, and figures. The maximum number of references allowed is 100.

Research article: the research article provides an original contribution to the topic typically treated by introducing new data collected from samples of subjects, patients, observations. The text divided into introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, must not exceed 35,000 characters (including spaces) excluding bibliography, tables, and figures. The maximum number of references allowed is 100.
In the introduction, clearly summarize the purpose of the study. In the materials and methods section, describe how the study was set up and carried out, how the data were analyzed (which hypothesis was tested, type of survey conducted, how randomization was carried out, how subjects were recruited and chosen, etc). In the results section, provide the answers to the questions posed in the introduction. The results must be presented in a complete, clear, concise, possibly correlated way of figures, graphs and tables. In the discussion section summarize the main results, critically analyze the methods used, compare the results obtained with other literature data, discuss the implications of the results. In the conclusions, briefly summarize the significance of the study and its future implications.

Clinical cases: describes clinical cases of criminal, psychological or forensic psychiatric interest. The text must not exceed 20,000 characters (including spaces) excluding bibliography, tables, and figures. The maximum number of references allowed is 60.
The article must contain the following sections: introduction, clinical case or case history, discussion, conclusions. Authors are advised to follow the guidelines of the CARE statement (

Letter to the editor: may refer to articles previously published in the journal or to scientific observations and data that the authors intend to bring to the attention of readers in a concise form. The text should be 500-1000 words (1-3 typewritten double-spaced pages) excluding references, tables, and figures. The maximum number of references allowed is 5.

Guidelines: documents drawn up by scientific societies, special committees, or other accredited sources. Tables and figures must be limited.

Manuscript preparation

File format
In the event that the work has also been partially presented at previous conferences, the data must be indicated. The number of characters used for summary and text and the number of references must be indicated. In the following pages there will be the main text, the bibliography. Tables and figures must be sent as separate files.

Concise title (in English and Italian), without abbreviations.

Authors data
Name, Surname. Affiliation (section, department and institution) of each Author.

Abstract and keywords
The abstract must be provided in English and Italian and comprise between 200 and 250 words. In the case of a research article, it must be structured in the sections: purpose of the study, methods (experimental design, patients and interventions), results, conclusions (meaning of the study). 5 keywords must be provided, in English and Italian. For keywords in case of research article or case reports, use MEDLINE / PubMed Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms wherever possible. Letters to the editor do not need a summary.

Citations in the text should follow the referencing style used by the American Psychological Association. The criteria can be found at For the preparation of the bibliography do not use the footnotes and endnotes of Word.

Tables and figures
The number of tables and figures must be limited. The tables must be indicated with a progressive number in the text. The captions of tables and figures must be inserted both in the text file and in the file of tables and figures.

Table file
Tables must be submitted as a separate file. The accepted format is Microsoft Word. Each table must be correctly typed, numbered in numbers, accompanied by the title. Any annotations must be inserted at the foot of the table and not in the title.

Figure file
The figures must be sent as a separate file. the formats accepted are JPEG, with a resolution of 300 dpi, in grayscale (for the print version) and in color (for the online version). The figures must be numbered and accompanied by a caption. The figures must be referred to in the text in consecutive order