The The promotion of reading aloud: tools for innovation in university didactics and for the training of educators and teachers


  • Lucia Paciaroni Assistant Professor | Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism | University of Macerata



reading aloud, children's literature, XXI Century, picturebooks;, Education Science


On the occasion of the course of Children’s Literature of the curriculum “Educator of educational services for children” of Macerata’s University (Course of Science in Education and Training Sciences of the Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism), students attended in a  series of seminars with representatives of the school world, pedagogists, booksellers, project leaders for promoting reading from early childhood and they have had the opportunity to experiment with some reading techniques aloud in the age group 0-3 years. The article aims to present results of this experience – proposed from the academic year 2020/2021 – dedicated to the knowledge of local experiences and national projects focused on children’s literature and reading aloud. The meetings were useful to highlight the benefits of reading aloud from early childhood in terms of cognitive, linguistic, emotional and relational development, characteristics widely demonstrated by scientific research in recent years. The students then had the opportunity to share their impressions and reflections and put into practice what they learned during their internship experience and their final thesis work. It is intended, therefore, to demonstrate the importance of these formative meetings in contexts such as the university, in which future educators and teachers are being trained, which, in this way, not only deepen the theme of children’s literature, but they can become aware of the powerful practice, that of reading aloud, which they can use in the classroom through a valuable tool like the book.


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How to Cite

Paciaroni, L. (2023). The The promotion of reading aloud: tools for innovation in university didactics and for the training of educators and teachers . Effetti Di Lettura / Effects of Reading, 2(1), 064–075.


