Aims & scope

Effetti di lettura / Effects of Reading is an international peer-reviewed open access journal committed to providing complete, inclusive, and equitable access to research. Its aim is to promote, publish, and disseminate high-quality studies and research on reading, reading aloud, their dissemination, the concrete ways in which they are deployed in various contexts, and their effects. The journal is addressed to an audience of researchers, teachers, educators, practitioners, and trainers working in schools, educational institutions, health, rehabilitation and care contexts in general, reception centres, organisational and development contexts, non-formal institutions, and to scholars from disciplines across the humanities.

The Journal hosts empirical studies, surveys, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, case studies and experiences, theoretical studies, and book reviews.

The Journal considers for publication original articles written in Italian, English or French that undergo a peer-review process after initial submission. Articles and abstracts in English must be proofread by a native speaker or a proofreading centre. Abstracts must always be written only in English.


Effetti di lettura / Effects of Reading considers for publication contributions on topics including, but not limited to, the following:

  • The linguistic effects of reading aloud (vocabulary, reading skills, verbal comprehension...).
  • The socio-emotional-relational effects of reading aloud (emotional skills, pro-social skills, self-regulation, empathy...).
  • The cognitive effects of reading aloud (attentional skills, memory, imagination, creativity, problem solving...).
  • The effects of reading aloud on professional identity and employability.
  • The longitudinal effects of reading and reading aloud in different socio-educational contexts.
  • The effects of reading and reading aloud on dispositions and attitudes (e.g. but not exclusively: on prejudice, racism, dispositions towards specific minorities).
  • The different methods, tools, and techniques of reading and reading aloud in educational, social, welfare, leisure, rehabilitation and care, re-educational, and organisational contexts.
  • The point of view of readers, those exposed to reading, teachers, and practitioners who use reading aloud.
  • The diffusion of reading, reading practices, reading habits, and disposition towards reading.
  • The processes and modalities of reading comprehension and different approaches to promote it.
  • The strategies and techniques for enhancing the effects of reading.
  • The methods and modalities of promoting reading and their effectiveness.
  • Educational approaches and reading aloud.
  • Multicultural studies of reading.
  • Reading and different abilities.
  • Reading aloud, and the mobilisation of skills.
  • Reading and prejudice.
  • Reading and multimedia.
  • Reading and inclusion.