Editorial News - 1/2025
Journals that have a history behind them, and this is the case with Studium Educationis, periodically question themselves by reviewing both the content-related aspects and the structure that characterises their overall form.
The Management has agreed to make some changes to the various Sections within which the publications are distributed, as a result of more general considerations relating to the specificity and objectives of the Journal.
These changes are effective as of the first issue in 2025.
- Section (1) ‘Studies and Research’ will exclusively host contributions of a theoretical (and historical-theoretical) nature by structured academic authors, in a number between 4 and 5.
- Section (2) ‘Focus’, dedicated to in-depth thematic research, which varies for each issue, will welcome articles by structured academic Authors. As regards the publication of articles by fixed-term academic authors, a maximum number of 2 contributions is envisaged. The total number is between 6 and 12 articles, including the contribution of the Editors. In this Section, the distribution of the different contributions according to their nature will take into account this breakdown: 1/3 theoretical and historical-theoretical, 1/3 empirical investigation, 1/3 fieldwork and critical review of experience.
- Section (3) is new, and will be exclusively dedicated to the publication of contributions by young scholars in training or already in possession of a doctoral degree. The articles will be theoretical, historical-theoretical, historical-documentary in nature, or may concern field investigations as well as interpretations and critical reviews of educational experiences. The expected number of articles will be between 2 and 3.
- The other Sections - (4) pedagogical lexicon, (5) reviews, (6) opinion - remain unchanged.
Further details are published on the magazine's website, in the section ‘About the Magazine’.
Another new feature concerns the first step in the editorial process.
Scholars interested in publication are invited, also for the Sections ‘Studies and Research’ and ‘Young Scholars’ (the name is being finalised), as is already the case for the Section ‘Focus’, to submit an extended abstract of the proposal in the first instance. After this preliminary step, the double blind peer review procedure, necessary to verify the scientificity and originality of each contribution, will be initiated.