Encyclopedism and pedagogism in Flaubert’s Bouvard et Pécuchet


  • Francesca Marcone University of Genoa




Looking at Flaubert's work and the idea of éducation that emerges from it, the article focuses on the novel Bouvard et Pécuchet and the original critique of the modern conception of knowledge contained in it. An irreverent irony exposes the inconsistency of encyclopedism – the desire for erudition of those who claim to be able to answer any question – and pedagogism – the attitude of those who, due to their education, feel superior to others. With the final chapter of the book, the critique of culture also becomes a pedagogical critique. In particular, the author denounces the idea of pedagogy that, promoting a notional knowledge completely split from human formation, reduces itself to mere pedagogism. In other words: to sophism and conceit, moralism and pedantry.

