Il tutoring per la formazione in ambito sanitario: competenze e strategie per la formazione delle identità professionali


  • Natascia Bobbo


In the last fifty years, some cultural and demographic transformations deeply changed our societies and, moreover, the nature of prevalent pathologies that moved from acute diseases to chronic illnesses.
Consequently, the Medical model changed too (from bio-medical to bio-psychosocial), imposing some new professional goals to healthcare operators. Therefore, training in the healthcare area has acquired more and more complex traits: during his degree course, a student has to reach a specific professional identity as consequence of an intellectual maturity (i.e. wisdom), coherent
to the actual medical approach to care. Only in this way, he will be able to meet to patients’ needs and reach a professional satisfaction in his daily work. The aim of this paper is to examine the strategic role of tutoring in building these professional and identity characteristics, with close attention to the most adequate didactic strategies and the essential educative and pedagogic
skills intrinsic in the tutor profession.

