Prosocial Trust Centres: Safeguarding and Preserving the Future through Inclusion


  • Annalisa Morganti
  • Robert Roche-Olivar Università Autonoma di Barcellona
  • Alessia Signorelli Università degli studi di Perugia
  • Francesco Marsili Università degli studi di Perugia



The Covid-19 pandemic period has brought about a revolution in education and instruction, giving rise to the concept of the European Education Area (EEA). This initiative aims to promote inclusion, school well-being, and resilience through the "Pathway to school success." However, there are ongoing challenges in intersectoral collaboration and the necessary training to implement a "whole school" approach. This article examines the importance of an ecological-systemic approach to promote school well-being and success and underscores the significance of specific training to implement such an approach, citing some research findings from the Erasmus+ project "ECO-IN Algorithm for New Ecological Approaches to Inclusion." It analyses and discusses the experience of "Prosocial Trust Centres" as a model of inclusion that fosters positive human relationships through prosocial communication. The article highlights the importance of creating a prosocial environment and culture to build trust and collaboration among individuals, groups, and communities, contributing to harmonious coexistence and collective progress.



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