Un’indagine esplorativa sull’implementazione del G-ESDM nella scuola dell’infanzia italiana


  • Emanuela Zappalà
  • Cynthia Zierhut
  • Paola Aiello




During the last decades, the importance of adopting Evidence Based Practice (EBP) to support pupils with Autism Spectrum Disorder has become pivotal. However, scientific literature on the theme highlights the challenges when attempting to apply and maintain the same levels of effectiveness of these practices within the school system which may compromise the effectiveness of the practices itself. This seems to be also due to a low degree of acceptability, a lack of intentionality in the adoption of an EBP and a low consideration of its appropriateness by stakeholders who do not consider it satisfactory or usable in their context (Davis, 1993; Rogers , 1995; Proctor et al., 2011).
Based on these premises, this study is aimed at exploring the degree of acceptability, adoptability and appropriateness of the G-ESDM by teachers of the Italian preschools in order to later investigate the possible implementation of the model in Italian preschools.





III. ESITI DI RICERCA (a. ricerca qualitativa e quantitativa; b. Strumenti e metodologie)

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