Village for the Earth. An educational challenge to learn how to be together


  • Serena Mazzoli Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


Mots-clés :

Education, 2030 Agenda, Sustainability, New competences, Village for the Earth


Do we have the ability to make choices appropriate for the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda? They indicate crucial issues for fostering networks of solidarity relationships and authentically human ways of being in the world. The contribution supports the hypothesis of education as a public good to which everyone is invited to participate, beyond fragmentations and seizing life as a complex web of interconnections for a more fraternal humanity. The essay critically examines an awareness initiative, Village for the Earth, which has engaged hundreds of thousands of people in Italy since 2017 on Earth Day. The training, research, and Third Mission project through which the Università Cattolica has supported the Village represents one of the strategic commitments by which universities are dedicated to fostering an inclusive and sustainable culture, in the sign of a village of education, where each person is called to learn how to be together.



