Strategies to promote the sustainability in the social economy: a Delphi study


  • Sabina Falconi University of Florence



Sostenibilità; Ricerca valutativa; Generatività; impatto; professionalizzazione


The services and products provided by the social economy (SE) are functional to achieving social sustainability. The hypothesis of the research is to highlight how sustainable actions and professionalisation processes implemented in the organizations involved in formal and non-formal education,  can generate a transformation of the planning capabilities of these organizations and generate virtuous mechanisms with an impact on society, for the benefit of the Green Transition. The evaluative purpose of the  research is based on two research questions: 1) what are the possible strategies for achieving key performance on sustainability? 2) Which tools and processes are functional to implement the achievement of an impact on the sustainability of the SE? For this purpose, a Delphi study was carried out to  allow a clustering of opinions. The aim is to focus, first, on a collective assessment of the impact regarding sustainability applied in the context of cultural, social and recreational activities encouraged by social promotion associations (APS). Thereafter want to focus on the identification of the most functional, realistic and feasible tools and processes for achieving sustainability in this field.

