Educational professions and emancipatory connections: the Ariadne’s thread between Collective Mind and Connective Intelligence to inhabit the margins


  • Lorena Milani Department of Philosophy and Education Sciences, University of Turin



Mente Collettiva; Intelligenza Collettiva; emancipazione; lavoro di équipe; innovazione


In the face of a marked sociological individualism and a narrowing of political visions to particularistic plots, there is an interest in the collective and community aspects that the educational world and educational professionals are experiencing and provoking, calling for a transformation of thought and action towards new models of educational action and a different vision of professionalism itself. The contribution, starting from the analysis of the “Collective Mind Galaxy” (Milani, 2014) and reformulating the links with Collective Intelligence (Levy, 2002) and Connective Intelligence (De Kerckhove, 1998), recovers the sense of acting education that, by cultivating both the Collective Mind and Connective Intelligence, can inhabit the margins and make flourish innovative and alternative paths of emancipation. In this perspective, in the wake of the specificity of the construct of Collective Mind (Weick & Roberts, 1993), its transformative potential and its impact on the management of educational teams and in possible continuity with the space/time of the Connective Intelligence, we will try to outline the lines of development of educational practices in contexts and situations that require a divergent, creative and innovative thinking (Milani & Nosari, 2022), in the direction of an “undisciplined” (Nicolescu, 2014) and “transgressive” (Delors, 1997) vision that know how to “include the margin” (Radjou, Prabhu & Ahuja, 2014)

