Educating in cultural contexts: what scenario for educational professionals?


  • Martina Ercolano Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli



educatore socio-pedagogico, museo, associazioni professionali, riconoscimento, patrimonio culturale.


In consideration of the nascent Italian Association of Museum Educators (AIEM) and with reference to the training of education professionals and the new educational professions emerging in the complex landscape of education, the contribution aims to return to the reader a reflection on museum professionalism starting from the indications provided by the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and the definition of the occupational fields of socio-pedagogical educators and pedagogists given by the approval of Law 27 December 2017, no. 205 (paragraphs 594-600). The variety of audiences and the heterogeneity of the ways of enjoying art, connected to the digitization of art works and museum spaces, draw attention to the need to train competent figures in order to get away from the spontaneity generated by the occasional involvement of volunteers in substitution of museum professionals. This study will be supported by the results of a survey conducted by means of a questionnaire to educators and professionals working in the field of heritage education and valorisation.

