Professional Associations: role, functions and resources for pedagogical professionals


  • Fabio Olivieri Università di Roma Tre



Professional associations, Pedagogue, Social Educator, Professionals, Law


The legitimacy of the professional role of pedagogues and educators cannot be separated from their representation in the public institutions. In this scenario, the mandate of the professional associations is central. Law n. 4/2013 recognizes their function and postulates the faculty of individual associations to gather in aggregative forms on a voluntary basis. After the approval of Law 205/2017 art. 1 paragraphs 594-601, the profiles of pedagogue and social educator have assumed unique characteristics in the overview of the Italian professions, because they are regulated by a state law, but classified as professionals not belonging to a professional body. This peculiarity lends itself to create many misinterpretations and this contribution intends to clarify some aspects of the existing legislation, focusing on specific critical issues and formulating some proposals necessary for the relaunch of the pedagogical professions.

Author Biography

Fabio Olivieri, Università di Roma Tre

Docente a contratto per il tirocinio cdl SdE

Dottorando di ricerca in Teoria e ricerca educativa

Coordinatore didattico master primo livello in Consulenza pedagogica: scolastica, famigliare e forense.

