The training of teachers as an ethical-social commitment: a documental analysis from across Italy


  • Liliana Silva a:1:{s:5:"it_IT";s:21:"University of Messina";}



In-service Teacher training, Lower secondary school, Deontology, Three-year plan of the training offer, Documentary analysis


The opportunities for teachers to specialize and undertake advanced courses opens the debate on the importance
and training priorities of in-service teachers. Starting from a theoretical framework, this contribution aims to
highlight an analysis of the training practices of in-service teachers declared in the Tree Years training plan of
100 lower secondary schools (randomly extracted for each geographical macro-area). The data collected refer to
a qualitative-quantitative design for a broader research of national interest, which has as its purpose the definition
of a curriculum of moral education in lower secondary school. The analysis – carried out using the NVivo software
– made it possible to identify the contents of the main forms of teacher training (e.g. digital skills, key and
citizenship skills, safety, evaluation, innovative teaching) in relation to their ethical importance, in line with the
creation of a democratic society.

