Places and environments to grow according to the values of equality and differences. A dialogue between educational contexts and families
Respect for otherness and enhancement represent fundamental pedagogical horizons for educating new generations to a democratic coexistence in which all differences become resources for the construction of a fairer and more inclusive society. These aims, however, need to be recognized/practiced not only within school contexts but also in non-formal educational places such as families, where girls and boys acquire their first “alphabets” to enable them to understand each other and make sense of reality. This paper seeks to analyse the goals, phases and first outcomes of an exploratory research project on gender education undertaken by nursery schools and pre-schools educators/teachers and parents. In addition to highlighting the uncertainties, doubts and
“fears” that persist concerning the gender issue, this article underlines the importance of dialogue and the exchange of ideas/practices between educators/teachers and families to educate children to gender equality and respect for difference using a method of joint responsibility.