Il trattamento del malato di mente detenuto


  • Ester di Giacomo
  • Et Alii


The psychiatric incarcerated population has increased enormously in recent years. Most of them are homeless and suffering
mainly from psychosis, often in comorbidity with substance abuse. Psychopathology, as well as the effect of substances or
withdrawal, mediates the possibility of committing crimes again after release and their pathway in prison. In this contribution, we will present possible treatments currently available in prison, both for psychopathology and detoxification from substances and alcohol, and their effectiveness. In addition, the characteristics of two particular populations, women and adolescents facing the prison experience, will be highlighted. Finally, an in-depth study on suicide and self-harming, transversal to psychiatric disease, gender or age, will propose both the size of the phenomenon and possible prevention or intervention options.





