La psicoterapia forense: una nuova disciplina nella tradizione psicoterapica e psichiatrica italiana


  • Francesco Spadaro


Forensic Psychotherapy consists of the psychodynamic treatment of those who have perpetrated a crime or also have suffered from a crime. By extension, it also concerns other things that are related to this field: supervisions of forensic therapists, the-rapeutic groups with workers at various levels in the field (guards, social workers, nurses, etc) are within the spectrum and competence of Forensic Psychotherapy. Currently, it also considers the application of cognitive, behavioural or systems/family therapy interventions. The aim of this psychotherapy is not to condone the crime or excuse the criminal. On the contrary, treatment should achieve an assumption of responsibility of what has been done by the perpetrator, along with the clarification of the individual causes that gave origin to the crime, linked to the real – conscious and unconscious – emotions of the in-dividual and their personal history. Benefits for society are mentioned, and they consist in a decrease in criminal behaviour, harmful behaviour, risky expositions, with a concomitant saving of public money. The essential aspects of the treatment (as-sessment, the setting, the therapeutic relationship, the evaluation protocols) are illustrated. Future perspectives are shown.





