About the Journal

Effetti di lettura / Effects of Reading was first published in 2022, and is available on paper (as a part of "Libri e Riviste d'Italia") and online (stand-alone, and with the full version of all articles that have passed peer review).

Serial type: Scientific Journal

Format: Print and electronic version

ISSN: (Online) 2785-7050


Editor: Prof. Federico Batini, PhD (Editor-in-Chief)

Frequency: Two issues each year (June and December)

Starting year: 2022

DOI prefix: 10.7347

Content type: Academic/Experts

Language: English, Italian and French for online version, Italian for print version.



Effetti di lettura / Effects of Reading is a peer-reviewed, open access scientific journal on reading and reading aloud studies.

The journal is open to researchers, educators, practitioners, trainers, teachers, and librarians; it publishes original research and empirical studies, case studies and experiences, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, theoretical studies, reviews, and book reviews.

Each issue consists of the following sections.

  • Invited articles: these include a selection of articles by undisputed experts on relevant topics. Authors are invited to contribute by the Editorial Board, but their manuscripts are still subjected to a double-blind review.
  • Peer-reviewed articles: these only include papers submitted on time, that pass double blind peer review, after clearing the editorial board check.

In order to be accepted, the manuscripts must fully and strictly follow the Author Guidelines provided by Journal. In cases of non-compliance with the guidelines, all papers will be rejected. All papers submitted and deemed suitable for review are subjected to an anonymous double-blind review process.

Submissions are evaluated by at least two referees and, according to their indications, manuscripts will be accepted, returned to the authors for corrections, or rejected. The final decision is the responsibility of the Editor, and it will be conveyed to the author(s) within three months of receipt.