Leggere e scrivere tra digitale e cartaceo.

La voce degli studenti





This paper describes a study conducted by the Indire research group on Media Education in the framework of a project launched in the academic year 2020/21, in collaboration with the IC “Ugo Amaldi” of Cadeo and Pontenure. The working group carried out a reflection on the design and self-production of digital textbooks for lower secondary schools. The school involved in the research has been engaged in the Avanguardie Educative Movement since 2014, first as the lead school of the Idea Integration of digital educational content/textbooks and then as a “hub regional school”. In view of redesigning the textbooks self-produced by teachers in some curricular disciplines, including Geog-raphy, Music, Art and Italian, the need arose to investigate the students’ relationship with paper and digital educational tools used in reading and writing activities, as well as their preferences and per-ceptions in using those tools. It was then decided to survey the pupils’ study habits and preferences for use, with the aim of obtaining useful directions for redesigning self-produced textbooks. The sur-vey was administered to 308 students for the purpose of investigating, in particular, i) the students’ modes of study; ii) how the students use digital and paper tools in their home study activities; and iii) the use of digital and paper tools in the context of educational activities carried out at school. The survey’s results are here presented and discussed.


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