Revaluating the educational significance of motor activities: a pedagogical perspective on research methods for physical education and human movement studies


  • Ferdinando Cereda Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano



Many countries require physical education as a mandatory subject in their school curriculum. The educational value of physical activity is often overlooked. To expand the scope of pedagogy beyond knowledge acquisition, alternative research methods may be necessary. Rather than solely measuring human behavior, research should focus on understanding the meaning of behavior to participants and how that meaning is formed. Different conceptual approaches to pedagogy will require different research methods. The way in which undergraduate students in human movement learn about research, including sport and exercise pedagogy research, historical research, or research in the biophysical sub-disciplines, will be crucial in fostering interest in pursuing graduate studies. Poorly designed and instructed research methods courses can be particularly discouraging for those have an interest in research.


Biografia do Autor

Ferdinando Cereda, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano

Dipartimento di Pedagogia, ricercatore universitario a t.d., docente di Metodi e didattiche delle attività motorie (M-EDF/01) e Metodi e didattiche delle attività sportive (M-EDF/02) nei corsi di laurea in Scienze Motorie e dello Sport (L-22) e Scienze e Tecniche delle Attività Motorie Preventive e Adattate (LM-67)


