Relational dynamics in building a generative relationship in family context


  • Antonia Rubini Associate Professor of Education | Department Educational Sciences, Psychology, Communication | University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Italy



"There is no education without relationship. And relationship is the practice of care" (Margiotta, 2015, p.11): this the basic and inescapable principle of a Family Relations Pedagogy aimed at the training of conscious and aware professionals, trained to support and for the support of increasingly vulnerable and liquid family alliances (Bauman, 1999). The communities we live in today can be likened to living organisms, constantly evolving, in which the family undeniably constitutes the primordial essence generating deep bonds imbued with affectivity. Consequently, the primum from which to re-start on the journey of discovery toward authentic auxiliary paths is increasingly identified with the person as a relationship between family members (Corsi & Stramaglia, 2009), embedded in a well-defined socio-economic and cultural context, pervaded by original threats and usual problems. The family can be compared to a small educating community, within which education becomes a sine qua non for it to become a place of learning (D’Addelfio & Vinciguerra, 2021). For this to happen, however, it is safe to assert the need for a reeducation of the familiar that is truly adequate to counter pervasive educational poverty and inequalities that are woefully deleterious to the flourishing of new lives capable of recreating and regenerating the existing, of weaving the roots of vulnerability into the fabric of social renewal. It then comes naturally to wonder about the role that pedagogical reflection could and should assume in the elaboration of paths of training and information, support as well as guidance, of those responsible for the protection of past, present and future family ties for the rebirth of a humanity in the making, striving for the fulfillment of being.

