Growing interculturally. Experiences and research perspectives for the 0-6 educational services of Roma Capitale


  • Alessandra Casalbore
  • Giorgia Meloni
  • Veronica Riccardi
  • Lisa Stillo Department of Education - University of Roma Tre



Intercultural education has long been a perspective that is strongly present in the Italian educational context, although with a great fragmentation of experiences, practices and reflections, which need to be further enriched within the integrated 0-6 system. In this regard, the aim of this paper is to examine in depth some intercultural practices through the presentation of three case studies in early childhood services, that are considered particularly significant in the specific context of Rome, which presents itself as an interesting and complex research laboratory. The objective, in addition to the valorization of the peculiar elements of the proposed initiatives, is to grasp the still unexplored spaces on which it appears to be fundamental to activate research paths that know how to combine qualitative and quantitative in-depth studies.

