La postura etico-epistemica della prospettiva futura: cyberspazio e algoretica nell’orizzonte dell’orienteering contemporaneo


  • Angela Arsena DISFOR Education Science Department Unige



This paper explores some theoretical hypotheses inherent in the construction of the future-time per-spective in the vast pedagogical horizon of counseling and career guidance as a subjective, shared and reticular mental and emotional model, which appears as a paradigm that allows one to cross the complexity of the contemporary condition characterized by an increasingly persistent permanence in cyberspace and by an increasingly compelling need for an ethical-educational formalization of algo-rithmic interlocution. The author believes that establishing a discourse on these dynamics is important for setting up a new educational project on the issue of counseling in the analogue-virtual contem-poraneity. Theoretical proposals are given in the essay and in the final synthesis.

