About the Journal

Aims & Scope

Studium Educations publishes theoretical, empirical, and experiential articles concerning both educational questions characterizing the current Italian and international scientific debates, and the emerging ones coming from educational practices and from the community. The journal welcomes all traditions of educational research, from a wide range of philosophical perspectives, addressing issues in both formal and informal education and upbringing from a pedagogical standpoint, in dialogue with the social and life sciences. As well as appealing to those with a direct interest in education, the journal will also be of interest to academic researchers, school teachers, educators, policy-makers.

Peer Review

Editor in Chief duties and responsibilities
Studium Educationis’ Editor in Chief is responsible for deciding which of the proposed articles should be published.
The decision is made exclusively on the basis of methodological rigor, originality of the contents with respect to the state of the art, clarity, breadth and argumentative relevance of the paper, bibliographical references, as well as the ability of the contribution to enter into critical dialogue with national and international scientific debate. The congruence of the contents with the cultural and scientific lines of the Journal is also relevant. The Editor in Chief will follow the journal editorial policy guidelines and will be assisted by the Associated Editors, the Head of the Review Process and the Editorial Board.
The Editor in Chief will entrust each article to the evaluation of two anonymous reviewers, chosen on the basis of their scientific skills related to the topic.

Reviewers' duties and responsibilities
The reviewers help the Editor in Chief and the Associated Editors to decide upon submitted manuscripts by providing rigorous and accurate assessments of them; they can also help authors to improve their papers (via communications mediated by the coordinator of the peer-review process). Any selected reviewer who feels unqualified to review the research reported in a manuscript, or knows that its prompt review will be impossible, should notify the Head of the Reviewing Process and recuse him/herself from the review process. Reviews should be conducted meticulously and precisely. Personal criticism of the Author(s) is inappropriate. Reviewers should express their views clearly with supporting arguments. Indeed, the revision is understood as a process aimed at improving the scientific quality of the paper.
The peer-review process is anonymous, and reviewers are required to maintain the confidentiality of all unpublished materials sent to them by the journal. Manuscripts submitted for peer review must not be shown to or discussed with others or used for personal advantage.

Authors’ duties and responsibilities
All research data presented must be precise. The research itself must have been conducted with the rigor required in and by its specific scientific field, and the findings presented clearly and accurately. All data and other information about the research must be presented in sufficient detail to allow others to check, replicate and cite the reported work. Submissions to Studium Educationis must comply with the Instructions for Authors provided on this website; crucially, in-text citations and reference lists must follow the prescribed format. Papers that do not meet the journal’s editorial standards will be rejected without being sent out for peer review. Authors must ensure that they have written entirely original works based on their own research; where they have drawn on the work and/or words of others, this must be appropriately cited or quoted. Authors must also cite works that have significantly influenced or informed their submission.
Studium Educationis does not accept manuscripts that have been simultaneously submitted to other journals for consideration. Authors should ensure that the key research findings reported in their submission have not already been published in other scientific outlets. This rule may be waived when the previously published version of the paper was in a different language. When the paper has been written by multiple authors, the corresponding author should ensure that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.
The authors retain sole responsibility for obtaining permissions to reproduce graphic or other illustrative material - the journal disclaims all responsibility for the use of such material.

Journal Overwiev
Each number is composed as follows:

Articles submitted for consideration should be between 35,000 and 45,000 characters (with spaces) in length, including references, abstract and keywords.
The section normally hosts theoretical papers and empirical studies. They must be able to deepen and expand - with scientific and methodological rigour, clarity and argumentative consistency - the critical knowledge, and the pedagogical understanding of the recurring educational themes and issues. They also must exhaustively refer both to national and international scientific literature, and to the current pedagogical and cultural debate.

Articles submitted for consideration should be between 25,000 and 35,000 characters (with spaces) in length, including references, abstract and keywords.
The section normally includes educational intervention projects and field researches conducted with methodological rigour, concerning teaching professions (teachers, educators, trainers) and their specific problems, aimed at innovating practices, improving problem-solving and decision making. The studies may also concern professionals operating in the institutional, healthcare / therapeutic and business sectors, to focus on the tacit educational dimension. In any case, the reference perspective must be both national and international.

Articles submitted for consideration should be between 30,000 and 40,000 characters (with spaces) in length, including references, abstract and keywords.
The section, which includes theoretical analyses and empirical/experiential enquiries and investigations, focuses on a specific theme concerning education whether recurrent, emerging or unpublished. The different contributions define and deepen the problematic, the complexity, and the critical points, conceptually and operationally with regular reference to the relevant scientific literature.

Contributions submitted for consideration should be between 20,000 and 30,000 characters (with spaces) in length, including references, abstract and keywords.
The entries of the Educational Lexicon re-propose and reformulate the concepts and keywords of the European and international pedagogical-educational culture, through a precise historical-critical point of view, that includes a comprehensive updated bibliography. They also present the new terminology of the pedagogical vocabulary which have been introduced into the most recent public and scientific debate, and into the language of the professions.

Critical notes submitted for consideration should be between 20,000 and 30,000 characters (with spaces) in length. Reviews submitted for consideration should be between 8,000 and 12,000 characters (with spaces) in length.
The section collects 1/2 critical notes and 4/5 book reviews regarding the most recent Italian and international publications. The point should be mainly pedagogical, but it can also concern the wider cultural and scientific panorama by involving educational issues relevant to the readers of the Journal. The critical notes, by exposing analytically the contents of the publication, they also express an argumentative judgment. The reviews present the contents and they are purely descriptive and illustrative.

News submitted for consideration should be between 5,000 and 8,000 characters (with spaces) in length.
The section offers an informative review concerning Conferences, Scientific Society Meetings, Seminars, scientific and cultural experiences of pedagogical interest, both national and international. It also gives news about the planned initiatives not yet carried out.

Opinion pieces submitted for consideration should be between 10,000 and 20,000 characters (with spaces) in length.
The section includes a critical point of view concerning an educational, cultural, political, social issue, of pedagogical interest. The aim is stimulating the public discussion, and the debate in the scientific community, or getting involved in them.