Per una pedagogia militante. Il pensiero di Gramsci a confronto con la Pedagogia Speciale


  • Alessandra Straniero Pensa MultiMedia Editore


Gramsci’s pedagogical thought is experiencing a renewed interest in Italy, reflecting the fact that
the Gramscian reflection represents for the pedagogy a basin of reflection and planning of educational
practices still very current and fruitful. The re-emergence of these aspects of the Sardinian
thinker’s production reactivates the connection between politics and pedagogy, a crucial point for
every pedagogical theory that together provides the specificities of this knowledge with practice.
The article outlines the possible intersection between the pedagogical thought of Gramsci and the
instances of Special Pedagogy as knowledge with a high political content, which refers to the idea
of the possible and of social inclusion, capable of going “beyond subalternity”.

