The self-assessment of Career Management Skills of future education and training professionals


  • Daniela Frison
  • Francesco De Maria Università degli Studi di Firenze



Self-directed Guidance; Professional Development Plan; Autovalutazione; Career Management Skills.


This article presents an activity developed within the framework of a self-directed guidance device addressed to
future education and training professionals. The device involved 289 LM-50 and LM-57/85 students and entailed
them preparing a Personal/Professional Development Plan (PDP). The results of a qualitative content analysis
of 181 PDPs are presented, focusing on the “self-assessment” dimension that emerges as the most significant
code-group. The results show that completing the experience seems to promote the self-assessment of career
management skills by affecting three areas: 1) reflection on one’s own knowledge, skills and abilities; 2) the
construction of one’s own professional profile and an understanding of job opportunities; 3) work on oneself,
in terms of the potential development of one's own life and work trajectories.

