The teaching of civic education and "pathways for transversal skills and guidance": an opportunity for teaching and special education


  • Aldo Amoia



Disability, Civics Education, Special Pedagogy, Teaching by Skills , PTSO


The Italian Constitution mandates the pursuit of a social defense policy alongside the elimination of inequalities through the promotion and privileged protection of all work activities (artt. 1-4). The law introducing the Cross-curricular teaching of civic education promotes “activities to support the responsible and conscious rapproche-ment of students with the world of work” (art. 4, c. 4). The alternation of school and work (Law no. 107/2015), renamed “pathways for transversal skills and guidance” (PTSO), enables the acquisition of skills that can be de-ployed in the labour market. This article focuses on the usefulness of building PTSOs capable of drawing together typical and a-typical students in collaborative synergy through inclusive teaching aimed at promoting transversal skills – such as the ability to empathize with each other through developing meaningful relationships –and civic education skills – such as education in volunteering and active citizenship – giving meaning and justification to personal life projects.

